I choose to listen the Voice of Truth

I'm on the battlefield. It is cold and the days are so mild, the sky is gray, colorless and lifeless. I look around me and I see nothing but stones. I look at the dry grass around me and notice a long shadow, which is in front of me, seems so much bigger than me. I raise my eyes and I see a giant in front of me, he looks so evil, so full of strategies, so clever and so ready for battle. His clothes are made ​​of steel, he has a helmet and heavy weapons. I think,
“What will be my shield now?”  He takes slow steps; walks firmly and slowly, he tries to frighten me with words of anger, with threatening looks and illusions of victory. But what does he want?
My heart is trembling, my feet seem to barely touch the ground, I'm just a boy, not yet fully grown, I think, “how I can defeat him?”  Do I use the fabric or the wedge sandals on my feet? Is this a threat? There is an army behind me hiding in the mountains, they’ve all had the opportunity to fight this giant and have failed numerous times. They stare at me with a look of pity for my courage for even trying.   I'm trying, because even after so many looks, I can see hope; hope for a better future, hope for  victory.
Then I bow my head and start talking with my source of strength, my true friend, with my great Father, who is my inspiration, with the Voice of Truth.  His voice begins to tell me another story, one that is different from the army behind me or the giant standing in front of me. The voice of truth tells me to not be afraid, tells me that everything is for His Glory. The voice of truth says that I will win. Then I pick up my weapon off of the floor; a slingshot and a few small stones.  I stand up in faith, the supernatural power of God, and my greater confidence in Christ.
I leave the place that limits my vision and I choose to listen and obey God's voice over the various voices I could hear.   And now I find myself taking firm steps toward the giant, fear no longer exists, it has vanished from me.  I found my strength in God, my weakness does not bother me, my smallness is offset by my great faith, the giant is a mile from me, and I keep walking and looking to Christ.   I can do this because I'm listening to the Voice of Truth.  A rock, a lot of faith caused the giant to fall. Footsteps of the enemy’s army can be heard fleeing because of the victory of God’s people.  Hallelujah.
Removing a stone from his bag he threw with the sling and struck the Philistine on the forehead, so he was stuck and he fell with his face on the floor. So David overcame the Philistine with a sling and a stone, without sword in his hand he overthrew the Philistine and killed him. David ran and stood over him, and unsheathing the sword of the Philistine just killed him, cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their fighter was killed, they retreated and fled. [1 Samuel 17:49-51]

Original Text: Ana Paula FreitasTranslation: Katie Harrison 

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